Airtm escrow makes transactions between members safe, honest, traceable, and transparent. If there are any disagreement between members, Airtm professional mediation team contacts both parties to reach a conclusion insuring escrowed funds end up with their rightful owner.
When an Airtm member's add request is accepted by another peer, we debit AirUSD from the accepting member's Airtm balance and hold it in the requesting peer's name. When the Airtm accepting peer receives their peer's local currency transfer, we release the AirUSD to the requesting peer's Airtm balance. We won't release the money until the accepting peer confirms that he or she has received the transfer.
When an Airtm peer's withdrawal request is accepted by another peer, we debit AirUSD from the requesting peer's Airtm balance and hold it in the accepting peer's name. When the Airtm requesting peer receives the peer's transfer of local currency, we release the AirUSD to the accepting peer. We won't release the AirUSD until the requesting peer confirms that he or she has received the transfer.